July 2, 2024
Calcium Lactate

Calcium Lactate: Unraveling the Role of Essential Mineral in Promoting Optimal Bone and Muscle Health

What is Calcium Lactate?

Calcium bis is a form of calcium found in many supplements. It contains calcium cations bound to lactate anions to form an ionic salt. Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, with 99% located in bones and teeth where it provides structure and strength. The remaining 1% of calcium is involved in many important physiological functions like nerve signaling, muscle contraction, and hormone secretion.

Absorption and Bioavailability

Calcium Lactate has good absorption properties that allow the body to utilize its calcium content efficiently. Calcium from supplements is best absorbed when consumed with food. Studies show calcium bis is well-absorbed, with absorption rates ranging from 26-39% when taken with or after a meal. Its absorption is comparable to calcium carbonate, one of the more commonly used calcium sources. Factors like consuming it with vitamin D and limiting intake of certain minerals like phosphorus and magnesium can further enhance absorption.

Role in Bone Health

Maintaining adequate calcium levels through diet and supplements is important for building peak bone mass during growth and preventing bone loss later in life. Calcium makes up about 40% of bone mass and is essential for bone mineralization. Low calcium intake, especially during childhood and teenage years when bones are still forming, can negatively impact peak bone mass attainment. Getting enough calcium from foods like dairy and supplements like calcium bis helps maximize bone density and decreases the risk of conditions like osteopenia and osteoporosis later in life.

Importance for Muscle Function

Calcium Lactate plays a key role in muscle contraction by regulating the interaction between actin and myosin fibers within muscles. When a nerve impulse stimulates a muscle cell, calcium is released from intracellular storage areas to initiate contraction. Low calcium levels can impair this release and contraction process, resulting in less than optimal muscle function. Regular calcium intake through calcium bis supplementation supports healthy calcium levels within muscle cells for optimum contraction ability. This is especially important for intense athletic activity and as we age when muscles lose strength and mass.

Reduces Hypertension Risk

Studies have demonstrated calcium’s ability to lower blood pressure levels. The mechanism thought to be involved is that calcium inhibits sodium reabsorption in kidneys, increasing sodium excretion. This sodium loss draws fluid out of the blood vessels, lowering blood volume and peripheral resistance. Maintaining adequate calcium intake through foods and calcium bis supplements may help offset diet-induced rises in blood pressure and reduce hypertension risk over the long term. However, supplementation only provides benefits at calcium intake levels below the recommended daily amount.

Other Health Benefits

Beyond bone and heart health, research indicates calcium in the form of calcium bis may confer some additional advantages:

Weight Management – Higher calcium intakes, especially from dairy foods, may aid in fat metabolism and weight control. Studies show calcium from supplements assists modest initial weight loss.

Cancer Prevention – Some data links higher calcium intake to a decreased risk of colon cancer. The mechanisms are not fully clear but may involve binding of fatty acids and bile in the colon.

Mental Health – Animal studies suggest adequate calcium supports healthy brain aging and function. Emerging research links calcium and vitamin D intake to a reduced risk of depression in older adults.

Pregnancy Health – Calcium requirements are increased during pregnancy and lactation. Calcium bis supplements help maximize maternal bone health and support fetal development when diet falls short.

Food Applications

Calcium bis has applications in food manufacturing due to its GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status. It provides both calcium and acidity regulation, with a pH of around 4-5 in solution. Common uses include:

– Dairy Products – Calcium enrichment and as a coagulating agent in processes like cheese making.

– Baked Goods – Acts as a dough conditioner and improves texture, volume, and shelf life.

– Meat Products – Used to firm and retain moisture in items like canned meats and sausages.

– Fruit Preparations – Helps maintain fruit firmness, color, and quality during processing.

– Beverages – Provides calcium fortification and pH adjustment in drinks.

Recommended Dosing

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for calcium is 1,000 mg per day for most adults. For optimal absorption, calcium bis supplements should be taken with food and provide no more than 500 mg elemental calcium per dose. Most supplements offer 600-1200 mg of calcium bis to meet daily calcium needs. As with any supplement, consult your healthcare provider if you have any underlying health conditions.

calcium lactate is a well-absorbed source of calcium with documented benefits for bone and muscle health. It is used both as a supplement and functional food ingredient to provide calcium nutrition and other physiological effects. Maintaining adequate calcium levels through a balanced diet and targeted supplementation supports overall health and reduced disease risk.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public Source, Desk Research
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